have been reading through the eliza docs. the capabilities are insane. Video processing, voice processing, integration with twitter, discord, telegram. this can be anywhere and anyone can spin up their own AI Agent content army to push whatever agenda they want.
So I hate to be that person by why would you NOT immediately take this to homeland security, FBI, democrats in congress/senate and all the way up to Biden!!? Anyone involved in actively trying to influence the election should be immediately investigated and charged with crimes so why not get ahead of it and get a plea deal??
Because I’m not even sure what the team was doing was “illegal” as much as it was unethical. I’m just a junior dev. I do grunt work. To be really honest, it is hard for me to trust the government because whistle blowers don’t fare well in this country. Elon is the richest man on the planet. My main reason for releasing this information is to make sure the rest of the world knows what is coming for them.
https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB11125 look it up. Interference is interference and if at any point the directive from Elon included the language that was specifically or would insinuate interference it IS such.
Happy to see this! I'm not surprised. Nathan and the Election Truth Alliance is lawyering up to represent disenfranchised Kamala voters. People have known for months that the CVR data suggests significant election manipulation that changed the results of the presidential election and only a rich person with backing from foreign actors could pull off. The Dems ignore us and the data. I know must of us thought they'd do something but I don't trust them any more and we are running out of time. We need to demand the Biden Administration #VerifyTheVote. Digital ballot images can verify there was not manipulation like the CVR data suggests. Perhaps the powerful agree that Elon's defense and communication government contracts are more important to America than our votes. They are wrong. #VerifyTheVote
So I hate to be that person by why would you NOT immediately take this to homeland security, FBI, democrats in congress/senate and all the way up to Biden!!? Anyone involved in actively trying to influence the election should be immediately investigated and charged with crimes so why not get ahead of it and get a plea deal??
I do not know much about IT, let alone AI, but if you are worried about who is going to be in charge of the FBI...as I would be, in your position...maybe try Bellingcat?
Bellingcat is a nongovernmental group that does a variety of crowd-sourced investigations. They are on Bluesky. I am not sure of their capabilities except that they are waaaay above my pay grade.
My friend, you need to find a whistleblower website now. This is your path to sleeping better.
BIG if true… time will tell. but also, please go to https://tips.fbi.gov/home and report all your info/evidence.
have been reading through the eliza docs. the capabilities are insane. Video processing, voice processing, integration with twitter, discord, telegram. this can be anywhere and anyone can spin up their own AI Agent content army to push whatever agenda they want.
She needs to do it NOW!
So I hate to be that person by why would you NOT immediately take this to homeland security, FBI, democrats in congress/senate and all the way up to Biden!!? Anyone involved in actively trying to influence the election should be immediately investigated and charged with crimes so why not get ahead of it and get a plea deal??
Because I’m not even sure what the team was doing was “illegal” as much as it was unethical. I’m just a junior dev. I do grunt work. To be really honest, it is hard for me to trust the government because whistle blowers don’t fare well in this country. Elon is the richest man on the planet. My main reason for releasing this information is to make sure the rest of the world knows what is coming for them.
https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB11125 look it up. Interference is interference and if at any point the directive from Elon included the language that was specifically or would insinuate interference it IS such.
You might as well try and give the info to Homeland Security or FBI or someone!!!!
And before that Bitch Noem is in.
Confirms everything many of us sense. Thank you!! Now, do what others here suggest. Report this!! See links in other comments.
You have a responsibility to report this to the DOJ, FBI, CIA. Immediately. It may be too late.
I submit
Do you mean you submitted it to them?
This is the reason I don’t think Rump won fair election, he cheated along with musk’s help, because we all know trump ain’t that smart
right! the issue isn’t our election systems, it’s our current mainstream social media platforms.
Trumps intelligence is irrelevant. He only the face, not the brains.
Thank you for sharing, stay safe
Already shared on BlueSky but the link is glitching…
I have shared this with everyone I can think of. It's all over Tik Tok and Facebook and other people I won't mention
Happy to see this! I'm not surprised. Nathan and the Election Truth Alliance is lawyering up to represent disenfranchised Kamala voters. People have known for months that the CVR data suggests significant election manipulation that changed the results of the presidential election and only a rich person with backing from foreign actors could pull off. The Dems ignore us and the data. I know must of us thought they'd do something but I don't trust them any more and we are running out of time. We need to demand the Biden Administration #VerifyTheVote. Digital ballot images can verify there was not manipulation like the CVR data suggests. Perhaps the powerful agree that Elon's defense and communication government contracts are more important to America than our votes. They are wrong. #VerifyTheVote
So I hate to be that person by why would you NOT immediately take this to homeland security, FBI, democrats in congress/senate and all the way up to Biden!!? Anyone involved in actively trying to influence the election should be immediately investigated and charged with crimes so why not get ahead of it and get a plea deal??
I do not know much about IT, let alone AI, but if you are worried about who is going to be in charge of the FBI...as I would be, in your position...maybe try Bellingcat?
Bellingcat is a nongovernmental group that does a variety of crowd-sourced investigations. They are on Bluesky. I am not sure of their capabilities except that they are waaaay above my pay grade.
Be safe. Truth comes out
Hey, did you already report this to the FBI and the DOJ? And maybe the ICC? If not, please do so!!
Thank you for your courage to come forward. The world needs to know